Sarah Bolt

Walk for a Cure Kensington Gardens

We're taking part in Walk For A Cure

We're taking part in Walk For A Cure because every 3 minutes dementia steals a happily ever after. Research is our only chance of changing the ending for people affected by dementia.

Alzheimer's Research UK are the UK's leading dementia research charity. They exist for a cure.

Your donation helps scientists and researchers find new ways to diagnose dementia, develop new treatments and find a cure for dementia.

My Achievements

Has Fundraising Page

Percentage of Fundraising Target (50%)

Amount Raised (£250)
You've raised enough to fund a genetic test to help identify genes early

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Thanked Donor

Reached Fundraising Goal

Self Donated

My Updates

In memory of mum

Sunday 2nd Jun
Ali and I are walking to support research into a cure for Alzheimers in memory of our amazing mum, Heather. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Sarah Bolt


Sandra To

What a great thing to do in memory of you mum and also for such a worthy cause. Sending positive vibes and good weather for your walk.


Rosie Thomas

In memory of dear Heather Bolt; a strong, inspiring and much loved woman.


Stella Harris

Good luck with the walk xxx


Richard Money-kyrle

Love to you all. Xx


Kelly Flatman

Well done sarah❤️


Mariah Hamid


Roberto Ferrara

Hello my lovely…my advice would be start fast and sprint the whole way stopping only to do shots of tequila…failing that just pace yourself ❤️❤️❤️




Carolyn Fursse

A great challenge for an important cause 🫶🏻


Samuel John Quinn Mcgeorge


Andy Trotter

Great work Sarah 👏👏


Angela Mcgeorge


Natasha Ferrara

Enjoy every step x


Leila Hanouni


Kath Keogh

Good luck Sarah for a great cause. You've got this!


Sarah Bolt