Lee Harris

Walk for a Cure Sherwood Pines

We're taking part in Walk For A Cure

We're taking part in Walk For A Cure because every 3 minutes dementia steals a happily ever after. Research is our only chance of changing the ending for people affected by dementia.

Alzheimer's Research UK are the UK's leading dementia research charity. They exist for a cure.

Your donation helps scientists and researchers find new ways to diagnose dementia, develop new treatments and find a cure for dementia.

My Achievements

Has Fundraising Page

Percentage of Fundraising Target (50%)

Amount Raised (£250)
You've raised enough to fund a genetic test to help identify genes early

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Thanked Donor

Reached Fundraising Goal

Self Donated

My Updates

My Cause

Saturday 25th May
 I’ve decided to take part in a local walk for Alzheimer’s as my Dad died from it and my mum has Dementia. It’s a personal cause for me. I have attached a link if you want to contribute. But please don’t feel obliged to contribute as I know we all have lots of different things we already do for Charities etc.  Thank you

Thank you to my Sponsors


Andy Haywood

Good luck Lee!


Matthew Greaves


Gillian & Andrew

Good luck Lee, hope it all goes well! Gillian & Andrew


Lee Harris


Gary Ashby

All the best Lee


Michael Hirst


Parnell Roche Ltd

Excellent effort Lee - good to hear you’re getting some exercise done BTW 😉. Seriously though - it’s a great cause and delighted to support you mate.


John Hutton


Julian Rutherford

Good Luck Lee


Raghavendra Satwik

Dear Lee, It is my pleasure to join you and your family in the cause for Alzemiers.. Thanks Regards Raghu.


Vikas Goel

Many thanks for all your efforts for such a great cause.


Rob O’callaghan


Shakil Azam

Good luck with the walk Lee. If you need anything at all please reach out.


Allison Hesketh

Well done Lee and your team! Fantastic achievement especially on your Birthday! Congratulations from the Hesketh family!


Nathan Deeming


Marjan Tadbir


Dermot Lenihan