john willows

Walk for a Cure Kensington Gardens

I'm taking part in Walk For A Cure

I'm taking part in Walk For A Cure because every 3 minutes dementia steals a happily ever after. Research is our only chance of changing the ending for people affected by dementia.

Alzheimer's Research UK are the UK's leading dementia research charity. They exist for a cure.

Your donation helps scientists and researchers find new ways to diagnose dementia, develop new treatments and find a cure for dementia.

My Achievements

Has Fundraising Page

Percentage of Fundraising Target (50%)

Amount Raised (£250)
You've raised enough to fund a genetic test to help identify genes early

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Thanked Donor

Reached Fundraising Goal

Self Donated

My Updates

Walk for Alzheimer's

Friday 7th Jun
Tomorrow I walk for Alzheimer's thank you to everyone who has sponsored me !! If you haven't there is still time to help me get to £650 
Please if you can it means a lot to a lot off people ... Thank you 

Walk for Alzheimers and dementia

Sunday 14th Apr

Hi, my name is John and I am a carer. I work mainly with people who experience difficulties with alzheimers and dementia. I am walking for everyone like Mike, pictured above, whose lives have been severely affected by these conditions. This disease doesn't just affect the afflicted person but also the family members who care for their loved ones every day.
I would especially like to tell you about Steve, who has struggled for many years with the most aggressive form of dementia and has touched many hearts and lives along the way. I accompany him on jaunts down to the local cafe and I am touched by his enjoyment and pleasure at this simple experience.
These are not just people I work with but also people I can call my friends; they have given me much fulfillment and a realisation of how it touches so many lives.
Please, if you can, donate for this walk in aid of people like Mike and Steve.

Thank you to my Sponsors


David Price

Well done John, keep up the good work. David and Elaine.


Trish Sweeney

Thank you John for the wonderful, selfless care you provide for Mike and everyone else you support. We’ll be walking with you in spirit. Trish and Mike


Davina Biswell

Amazing John. Steve and I will be thinking of you and Steve is happy to help you with your training. Pushing his wheelchair will be like pushing a sled!


Nigel Crockett

You’re doing great work.


Mandy Carter


Cath Murray

Thank you John for your great support to a worthy cause and on a personal level to those you support.



Good luck John, Su x


Harry Finch

Friend of Trish and Mike.


Christine Prescod

Good luck John.


Sharon Simmons

Good Luck John! Let us know how you get on Love from Sha and Nick xxx



Good luck john x


Elizabeth Hudson

It’s a lovely thing you are doing John. Good luck and enjoy your walk with everyone else taking part; knowing you are making a difference! Best wishes Liz


Bela Patel

Good luck John, such a good cause Xx


Nigel Whittle

Good luck, and thanks for all your hard work.



Good luck Sue & Martin


Stephanie Y

Go John 💜


Jeremy Blackhurst

Keep up the good work you do raising funds and supporting people afflicted with this condition.



Thank you John for all that you for Dad and others.


Lois & Owen

Great cause, go John!! X



Good luck John


John Willows


Amanda Davis

What an amazing cause John, good luck with your walk! ♥️


Anna Smith


Joan Carr

Well done!!