Joe Norris

Walk for a Cure - Cardiff, Pontcanna Fields

I'm taking part in Walk For A Cure

I'm taking part in Walk For A Cure because my grandmother Sylvia suffers from this dreadful disease and because every 3 minutes dementia steals a happily ever after. Research is our only chance of changing the ending for people affected by dementia.

Alzheimer's Research UK are the UK's leading dementia research charity. They exist for a cure.

Your donation helps scientists and researchers find new ways to diagnose dementia, develop new treatments and find a cure for dementia.

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Amount Raised (£250)
You've raised enough to fund a genetic test to help identify genes early

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Understanding Alzheimer's: A Growing Challenge

Monday 17th Jun

Alzheimer's disease, a progressive neurological disorder, is the most common cause of dementia, affecting millions of individuals worldwide. As the population ages, the prevalence of Alzheimer's continues to rise, making it a pressing public health issue.

What is Alzheimer's Disease?

Alzheimer's disease is characterized by the gradual deterioration of cognitive functions, including memory, reasoning, and language skills. This decline occurs as brain cells degenerate and die, leading to significant brain shrinkage over time. Early symptoms often include forgetfulness and confusion, which can progress to severe memory loss and disorientation.

The Impact of Alzheimer's

The impact of Alzheimer's extends beyond the individuals diagnosed with the disease. Families and caregivers often face significant emotional, physical, and financial burdens. The disease can alter relationships and necessitate round-the-clock care, which can be both exhausting and costly.

The Importance of Research

Currently, there is no cure for Alzheimer's disease. Treatments available can temporarily alleviate symptoms but do not stop or slow the progression of the disease. This highlights the critical need for ongoing research. Scientists are exploring various avenues, including genetic factors, brain imaging techniques, and potential new medications, to better understand and combat Alzheimer's.

How You Can Help

Awareness and support are crucial in the fight against Alzheimer's. Participating in fundraising events like Walk For A Cure, volunteering, and advocating for increased research funding can make a significant difference. Supporting organizations dedicated to Alzheimer's research and caregiver support is another powerful way to contribute.


Alzheimer's disease is a formidable challenge that affects millions, but with collective effort and continued research, we can hope for a future where this disease no longer dictates the story of so many lives. By staying informed and involved, we can support those affected and work towards a cure.

Together, we can change the ending for people with Alzheimer's.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Joe Norris