Jennifer Stockton

Walk for a Cure - Sefton Park, Liverpool

My Achievements

Has Fundraising Page

Percentage of Fundraising Target (50%)

Amount Raised (£250)
You've raised enough to fund a genetic test to help identify genes early

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Self Donated

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Walk with me or donate to a great cause!

Thursday 13th Jun
Walk with me or please donate to a cause that is close to mine and my families heart. 
I'm walking on behalf of my 2nd dad, who I'm lucky to have in my life and is living with a form of dementia, alziemers.
This cruel illness doesn't just affect the person but the whole family and friends who love them!
It's great to get out walking and talking for our own mental health!
Plus if you walk with me and know me.... your in for a fab day with 'a Lorra Lorra laughs' as Cilla Black would say!

Thank you to my Sponsors


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