Angela WARD

Walk for a Cure - Southampton Common

Walk for a Cure

Next month I am joining forces with Tasha Ward and we are going to walk 5K on Southampton Common and do a bit of fund-raising along the way to help this needy cause.

Give what you can, every little helps as they say!

My Achievements

Has Fundraising Page

Percentage of Fundraising Target (50%)

Amount Raised (£250)
You've raised enough to fund a genetic test to help identify genes early

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Thanked Donor

Reached Fundraising Goal

Self Donated

My Updates

Walk for a Cure

Saturday 22nd Jun
A week tomorrow Tasha Ward and I will be doing our bit to raise awareness and also some much needed funds for this worthy cause.

Please donate if you can !!

Walk for a Cure

Wednesday 15th May
Next month I am joining forces with Tasha Ward and we are going to walk 5K on Southampton Common and do a bit of fund-raising along the way to help this needy cause.

Give what you can, every little helps as they say!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Andrew Pettifer

Go Ang xx


Debbie Drouet-lewis

Good luck to you both, Angie and Tasha. xx


Clare Callaway

So proud of you both! Love you xx


Angela Ward


Ali Rebbeck


Tracy Crichlow

Good luck Angela & Tasha, well done on raising awareness of this terrible illness and keeping the memory alive of your loved one. Good luck ladies XXXX


Jane Evans

Every step counts towards your goal; keep walking ladies and enjoy the walk too!


Greg Perkins


Sarah Lee


Matt, Lisa & Bradley

Hope it goes well Angie. We will be cheering you on x


Kevin And Trish

Good Luck Angela and Tash


Christine Backshell


Melanie Darcy


Jennie Arrocha


Diane Bryan

Good luck Ange & Natasha xx