Carla massey

Walk for a Cure Sherwood Pines

We're taking part in Walk For A Cure in memory of our beloved Pop's and for everyone affected by Alzheimer's and Dementia.

We're taking part in Walk For A Cure because every 3 minutes dementia steals a happily ever after. Research is our only chance of changing the ending for people affected by dementia.

Alzheimer's Research UK are the UK's leading dementia research charity. They exist for a cure.

Your donation helps scientists and researchers find new ways to diagnose dementia, develop new treatments and find a cure for dementia.

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You've raised enough to fund a genetic test to help identify genes early

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Walk For A Cure.. in memory of Pop's

Monday 10th Jun
I'm walking in memory of my beloved Pop's. Pop's had an Alzheimer's diagnosis and this slowly changed everything about him. It took parts of his identity, his memory and his spark. 
Pop's struggled with Alzheimer's inspired me to want to help other's. 
I am now a care and support worker with Respectful Care, helping some clients with the same diagnosis, maintain their independence while they live with Alzheimer's and/or Dementia. 
I walk with my daughter, Kiah-lily who also helped care and support our beloved Pop's. Losing him broke our hearts, but he still inspires us each day. Help us raise awareness and please sponsor us to help find a cure for everyone who is living with, and affected by Alzheimer's or Dementia. 
Thank you in advance. 🧡💙

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Carla Massey