The Bruces

Walk for a Cure - Sefton Park, Liverpool

We're taking part in Walk For A Cure

We're taking part in Walk For A Cure because every 3 minutes dementia steals a happily ever after. Research is our only chance of changing the ending for people affected by dementia.

Alzheimer's Research UK are the UK's leading dementia research charity. They exist for a cure.

Your donation helps scientists and researchers find new ways to diagnose dementia, develop new treatments and find a cure for dementia.

Our Achievements

Amount Raised (£250)
We've raised enough to fund a genetic test to help identify genes early

Amount Raised (£1,500)
Our team has raised enough to fund a specialised brain scan, vital in the work to cure Alzheimer’s

Team Reached Fundraising Goal

Thank you to our Sponsors


Stephen Ashdown

Good luck



Good luck!!!


Steve Dickinson




Jennifer Howie

Best wishes to you and all the family Juliet xx


Lucy Webster`


Allan Ross



From me and Joe x


Liv Heeney

Good luck Bruce girls xxx


Juliet Bruce




Roy Heeney

Hi Abi!!


Abby Edwards

Such a great cause! Good luck Bruce and gang !!! 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼




Marian Webster

All the bast Sandra


Lucy Howe

Go Bruce Go! An amazing charity and worthy cause! Xxxxx


Lin Danson

Good luck Sandra!


Mary Neville

Well done Sandra, great charity one which is close to my heart x


Tom Spain



Good luck it can happen to any of us


Angela Webster

Good luck Sandra. Angela and Paul x


Ruth Livell

Best wishes


Fran Welsh




Good luck with the walk, I know you'll smash it 🥳💕


Abi Bruce


Issy Heeney

Such an important cause to raise money for Abi well done xx


Lynn Heeney


Tess Neale

Amazing work - happy walking!


Stephen Graney

Good luck Sandra!


Becky Snow



Shelley Skinner

Good luck!



Well done!


Victoria Harvey


Donna Williams

Good luck Abi! xx


Steph Preston

Good luck 👏 xx


Victoria Ewen


Jasmin Buxton


Lynn Tang

I know it’s not a lot but I’m so glad I can help. Will always support you wherever you needed. All the best to your grandparents. :) xx Kind regards, Lynn


Tracey Preston

A great cause, good luck Abi!



Thank you to the lady in the park this morning who gave me 5.00 to donate.


Lynda Vearer

Well done Sandra, a fantastic cause x



Good luck Abi!!